Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cannelloni vs Manicotti

Manicotti was originally made with crepes rolled around ricotta in a sweet or savory recipe.  Manicotti is not a known dish to Italians because any recipe with crepes around ricotta is known as crespelle.  Cannelloni is made with a pork and vegetable mixture stuffed inside fresh pasta tubes covered in béchamel and Parmisiano-Reggiano.

Oh and I have to show off my super cool apron my Brother and Sister In-Law gave to me.  It's made from a pair of Kevin's old flight pants.  How cool is that?

Six weeks into my MBA program and I quit.  Well, actually I’m transferring.  My sabbatical and first class at Capella have done their jobs.  I figured out what I want to do!!!  I am starting an Entrepreneur program (which is not offered by Capella), and creating my own company.  No, I am not going to tell you what it is.  You will only ask questions to things I haven’t worked out yet in an attempt to prove it’s a bad idea.  Don’t believe me, think of the first 3 questions you would ask.  So, I have stopped being a tourist and started working.

18-mile run went well on Saturday, though the rest of the day proves difficult with a mind that works and a body that doesn’t.  Feels a little schizophrenic.  I should get up (grunt) NO I really don’t think I will.  I had that conversation in my head at least 5 times that afternoon.

No demonstrating women or fleeing Tunisians here.  Though I may go to Milan later to protest Berlusconi’s hair plugs.  


  1. Kristyn, I'm so excited for you! Yes, I really want to know what kind of company. But I know whatever it is, it will be awesome. I don't doubt you for a second.

  2. Actuall the first thing that popped into my head wasn't a question just a thought. "Wow, that is so cool...this is seriously the bravest person I have ever known!" Anything you do, you do with excellence. So GO for IT whatever IT may be with gusto! Bon chance...wrong language but you're close enough to the border!

  3. Wow, as always, so impressive. Does it have anything to do with food? Travel? Wine?

  4. Just one question.....does the company have to do with all the food you've been making and where you are putting it or feeding it too???? :))

  5. Because you requested it, I will leave the idea of the company alone other than to say congratulations and much success. I agree with everyone else here, the thought that crossed my mind was you'd give your damnedest to make successful whatever you ply into. Looking forward to hearing more about this!

    One question on a different topic . . . the pizza looks like it came out great, but I don't see a story on how the wood oven adventure went. Hmmm?

  6. I was too scared to cook the pizza in the wood fired oven after your comment. I settled for 20 min in the oven vs an all day event:)
