Sunday, January 16, 2011

Random Thoughts….by KK

-It takes 2 hours to drive across Switzerland and 22 to drive across Kazakhstan

-Barolo wines are s t r o n g…. especially when you have an 8pm Tele-class

-London is a 13 hour drive from me.  If I could drive to Tunisia, it would take 6.6 hours as a crow flies (not that I would)

-Listening to Norwegians speak makes me angry.  Do you have to over pronounce everything?

-Italy is 116,000 square miles. Colorado is 106,000.  What if every state in the U.S. had a different language? 

-If I download iCall to my iPhone and Skype to my Mac, how do I call a toll free number for free?

-Math is hard when converting to a 24 hour clock AND changing time zones.  If home is MST and class is 10 am Central time and I'm 7 hours ahead, am I late if its 16:00?    

-If you stare back long enough, they look away first 
(this  c o u l d  be a clue as to why I'm single)

-12 mile runs are difficile without water ... is it considered ODD behavior  to "plant water bottles" near the road?

-Nougat is yummy

-Clouds can look like a sea of dry ice swallowing up whole cities


  1. Great pictures, I am enjoying following along on your trip. I have my own question -- if you're only seven hours ahead, then you aren't in Italy. You also mention nougat, does that mean you're in France now?

  2. This post needs a disclaimer..."I am NOT responsible for soiled pants." Cause seriously, I nearly pee'd my pants this is so funny! I have LOVED everything you have written, this is soooo much fun! And keep staring back girl, you don't want a chicken shit who would walk away but one who would just get his happy ass up and buy your a glass of barolo! :)

  3. Great catch Andrew. Yes, I'm 8 hours ahead of you but my classes are scheduled Central time which is where the math started. I WISH I were in France. I do plan to go once I can get a room for the night cause it's a 5 hour drive. I have to procure more of those lovely calissons, oh, and french nougat. Mmmmm.

  4. Cracked me up! And awesome pictures.
