Monday, January 3, 2011

T -2 days

In two days time I leave for a three month sabbatical near Alba, Italy.  The events that brought me to this decision are numerous, not very common place, and a far cry from the Hollywood films.  I am 32 year old CPA born and raised in Denver, CO.  From that brief description, you can probably guess my primary goals in life were to follow the basic life plan (go to college, get a good job, marry a handsome man and raise a family) and your guess would be correct.  Unfortunately I have not succeeded in achieving these goals.  
Well, maybe half of them to be specific.  I went to college, got a good job, and married a handsome man.  It was about that time that the progress of my life goals were halted and thrown into reverse.  On May 30th 2005, my dream-come-true of a husband, Scott, was killed.  After years of grief and suffering, I realized that this was not only the end of all of Scott’s dreams, but also mine.  I have cried my tears and picked myself up.  I have tested out new hobbies, traveled to different places and checked off every bucket list item that has been added to it.  So why am I still not making progress with where I really want to be?  
Having abandoned every other attempt to “discover” myself, I go to Italy, not in search of what you may assume to be an Italian man, but to find my true calling.  Free from the “Groundhog’s day” of my all-too-comfortable American life.  Out of the comfort of Starbucks, Tyson, and Walmart.  Back to the basic life where everyone had a job to do and if the baker didn't make his bread or the butcher cut his meat, then people went without.  Back to where people had an important job to do. 
Exploration of the day: Do I really have to purchase another adapter for my 3 pronged computer charger?
Italian word of the day: Pulito - Clean: As in, I need to clean my clothes so I can pack them.


  1. You Go Girl! Only a brave, determined, courageous women would take the plunge like you are doing.

  2. Yes.....I'm very familiar with the shopping cart set's the same in S'pore. Not a bad system at all. Glad your heat is back on. I would like to order Penne Arrabiata for dinner please.....with a really nice Chianti.

    Ciao Bella!!!!!
