Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wine tasting turned into photo taking

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.  Tell me your favorites and I'll send them to you before I start charging.  It's been raining/piove and overcast/nuvoloso since I got here Thursday.  The sun came out so wine became a second priority.  (I apologize to anyone who just had the song by Annie come into their head).............Uhem, back to wine, turns out the best Moscato d'Asti's are made in my back yard.  Some of you will be receiving those soon after shops open Friday.  Oh, and I did purchase several bottles Barolos.  Someone recommended a dinner for me but that restaurant was closed today.  I'll try back there Friday.



  1. The ones of the hillsides with the sun shining on them are breathtaking - as are the trees...

  2. Yaaaayyyyyy!! The sun always makes things look so much better!! The sun finally came out today in S'pore too!!! Hmmmmmm......

    It's gorgeous there! Looks like things are looking up my dear! :))

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